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Welcome to your Pilatecise Spelling Sheets!


In this document, you'll find 11 spelling sheets, one for each chapter of Pilatecise: A Journey to Centre Bow. These sheets are designed to help children practice their spelling and enhance their handwriting while exploring words from our adventure storybook series. Enjoy guiding them through their spelling journey, and watch their skills improve as they delve into the story!


Pilatecise enhances handwriting by focusing on core strength and body awareness. As you develop core strength, you'll experience improved posture and endurance, which are crucial for effective handwriting. Strengthening your core also supports better shoulder organisation, which in turn facilitates fine motor skills essential for writing. By integrating Pilatecise into your routine, you'll build a solid foundation for better handwriting and overall writing performance and these sheets give you plenty of practice!



Pilatecise supports reading comprehension in multiple ways. As you engage with the story, you don’t just read and listen; you actively participate by acting out scenes. This hands-on approach helps you grasp the story's themes and details more deeply. Additionally, our spelling sheets offer a valuable opportunity to practice spelling words from the story. By learning and writing these words, you reinforce your understanding and can more easily locate them in the book. This combined approach—acting out the story and practising spelling—enhances your ability to comprehend and retain the material.


Pilatecise Spelling Sheets (pdf download 14 pages)


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